Staff Resources
The Staff Resources page has moved to LaunchPad

Availability of Summary Health Information
As an employee of SCSB, the health benefits available to you represent a significant component of your compensation package. They also provide important protection for you and your family in the case of illness or injury.
Your plan offers a series of health coverage options. Choosing a health coverage option is an important decision. To help you make an informed choice, a Summary of Benefits and Coverage (“SBC”) is available, which summarizes important information about any health coverage option in a standard format, to help you compare across options.
The SBC and SBC Glossary is available on LaunchPad. To view these documents, please login to LaunchPad and add the Staff Resources app to view this information. If you have trouble, please contact the IT department at (386)647-4109 or email Help Desk via FirstClass.
Other important insurance information is also available in this location, including Marketplace Notice and COBRA Continuation Coverage Rights.
Paper copies of these documents are available, free of charge, by calling Teri Jones at (386) 647-4616 to request them.
Transparency in Coverage
This link leads to the machine-readable files that are made available in response to the federal Transparency in Coverage Rule and includes negotiated service rates and out-of-network allowed amounts between health plans and healthcare providers. The machine readable files are formatted to allow researchers, regulators, and application developers to more easily access and analyze data.