A Few of Our Fantastic School Resource Officers (SRO's)
The exceptional School Resource Officers (SRO’s) in the Suwannee County School District visited elementary classrooms to talk with students about staying safe. Students were instructed how to recognize and report concerning behavior. They also got the chance to meet the awesome SRO assigned to their school.
A big thank you to the special women and men who protect and serve our schools every day!

Baker Act Attempt to Notify: (Part B Discusses Documenting Attempts)
Requirement s. 1002.20(l)1., F.S. states "The public school principal or the principal’s designee shall make a reasonable attempt to notify the parent of a student before the student is removed from school, school transportation, or a school-sponsored activity to be taken to a receiving facility for an involuntary examination pursuant to s. 394.463. For purposes of this subparagraph, “a reasonable attempt to notify” means the exercise of reasonable diligence and care by the principal or the principal’s designee to make contact with the student’s parent, guardian, or other known emergency contact whom the student’s parent or guardian has authorized to receive notification of an involuntary examination. At a minimum, the principal or the principal’s designee must take the following actions: a. Use available methods of communication to contact the student’s parent, guardian, or other known emergency contact, including, but not limited to, telephone calls, text messages, e-mails, and voice mail messages following the decision to initiate an involuntary examination of the student. b. Document the method and number of attempts made to contact the student’s parent, guardian, or other known emergency contact, and the outcome of each attempt. A principal or his or her designee who successfully notifies any other known emergency contact may share only the information necessary to alert such contact that the parent or caregiver must be contacted. All such information must be in compliance with federal and state law".
Requirement: s. 1002.20(25), F.S. states "Parents of public-school students have a right to access school safety and discipline incidents as reported pursuant to s. 1006.07(9)."
Timely Notification of Threats, Unlawful Acts, Significant Emergencies
Requirement: s. 1002.20(24), F.S. states "Parents of public school students have a right to timely notification of threats, unlawful acts, and significant emergencies pursuant to s. 1006.07(4) and (7)."