SCSD Strategic Plan

School Board Approves 2021-2025 Strategic Plan Goals

Stakeholder Input Survey - SCSD Strategic Plan

Suwannee County School District invites all stakeholders - parents, students, employees, community members - to provide input for the SCSD Mission and Vision statements.  Please take a moment to look at the survey above and give us your thoughts.  The survey will remain open until the end of January.

SCSD Leaders - November Lunch N Learn

SCSD 2020-2025 Strategic Planning Updates

Strategic Planning Resources

SCSD Historical Plans and Updates

2020-2025 SCSD Strategic Planning Timeline

The 2020-2025 SCSD Strategic Plan will be developed, discussed, and workshopped at the following meetings.  Documents and artifacts will be recorded on this website as progress is made.  Members of any interested stakeholder should identify their next meeting on the list and attend to provide input and feedback on the creation of the new five year strategic plan for our district.